A new level of professional skincare for all
Trans Dermal Solutions (TDS) and Dermal Infusion Sprays (DIS)
What is a BEEP ElectroPoration treatment?
What makes a BEEP treatment the world�s most advanced?
What can I expect in a BEEP treatment?
What are my BEEP treatment options?
How does BEEP equipment work?
What else could this process be likened to?
Is it a bit like other machine delivered skincare treatments?
What are the advantages that make BEEP treatments different?
What conditions respond to BEEP treatments?
What conditions can�t have BEEP treatments?
What equipment procedures will I experience in a BEEP treatment?
What is a BEEP ElectroPoration treatment?
The BEEP Treatment will infuse powerful serums especially formulated to help the skin recapture it youthfulness. Your therapist will start with a two part cleanse and then a gentle Enzyme Exfoliation. The BEEP treatment will then proceed to infuse your skin with up to 10 times the amount of actives that can normally be absorbed in a professional treatment, using your specifically prescribed Dermal Infusions Spray.
What makes a BEEP treatment the world�s most advanced?
No other non-invasive treatment can infuse up to 10 times the specific actives in one treatment.
What can I expect in a BEEP treatment?
Your BEEP Certified Therapist will do a consultation to determine which of your skin concerns the BEEP treatments need to target and in what order. You will then be prescribed a set of Dermal Infusion Sprays to be used in your BEEP treatments and you can then look forward to a 1 hour or 30min BEEP treatment.
The BEEP DyNAmic Repair Treatment will infuse powerful serums especially formulated to help the skin recapture it youthfulness. Your therapist will start with a two part cleanse and then a gently Enzyme Exfoliation. The BEEP treatment will then proceed to infuse your skin with up to 10 times the amount of actives that can normally be absorbed in a professional treatment, using your specifically prescribed Dermal Infusions Spray. The treatment provides a specialised massage and a cooling, firming Alginate Mask. To complete your treatment, a nourishing moisturiser (selected for your skin type) is applied to seal in the and an SPF is correctly applied to provide your skin protection when you leave. In 1 hr your skin will feel refreshed, invigorated and plump like never before and be on its way to its ultimate change for skin health as your skin cells renew under optimum nutritional conditions. |
What are my BEEP treatment options?
A consultation will determine which of your skin concerns the BEEP treatments need to target. You will be prescribed a skin type and condition specific set of Dermal Infusion Sprays from the following.
How does BEEP equipment work?
By applying an alternating wave of energy to the skin, it temporarily opens micro pores in the cells and aquaporins between them to the deepest levels, thus allowing greater ability to absorb skincare actives.
BE ElectroPoration is a phenomenon that occurs within the cellular membranes while applying pulsed, modulated, non thermal and non-ionized electromagnetic waves (EMW), produced within the application wand. These EMW�s produce an alteration of the cellular membrane potential. This alteration provokes a biological �moment�, causing pore formation and the momentary opening of its protein channels, which will enable BE Dermal Infusion SprayTM products to enter the cells. The pores are temporary aqueous channels that enable the passage of introduced molecules. This kind of pore allows the entry of neutral charged products and macromolecules. With the application of the BE ElectroPoration wave, a cellular realignment also occurs that creates little channels (aquaporins) that increase the skin�s permeability.
BE ElectroPoration similtaneously provokes both the creation of aquaporins and permeability modification in the skin cells which facilitates the absorption of BE Dermal Infusion SpraysTM to the deepest levels of the skin.
This kind of phenomenon known as �electroporation� is only temporary because the applied wave is pulsed and not constant, so the cell returns to its normal state once the wave moves on. It is an ON-OFF mechanism.
What else could this process be likened to?
Let�s use an analogy to discuss the skin and it�s absorption of fluids
Let�s suppose that we want to pass liquid through a set of venetian blinds. If all the slats are tightly placed one beside the other, we might get some permeability, but not much penetration. (This is what happens when we wash our skin or just hand apply a lotion or cream to the skin) If we were to agitate the slats, (as with a conventional treatment of Ultrasound, Sonophoresis or Galvanic / Iontophoresis techniques), little spaces will inevitably appear between the slats, then a little more liquid can pass through. However, if we can make the slats rotate on their axis, then there is a significant increase in the amount of liquid that can pass through. Something similar happens to the skin with the BE ElectroPoration wave. It achieves a continuous realignment with the creation of new pores and channels (aquaporins) while the wave is present
Is it a bit like other machine delivered skincare treatments?
NO. It has significant advantages over treatments using Ultrasound, Sonophoresis, Galvanic / Iontophoresis and Mesotherapy
Ultrasound and Sonopheresis both rely upon agitating the surface cells of the epidermis to facilitate a relatively limited increase in the absorption of topically applied skincare formulas. Even with a conventional exfoliation, the depth of delivery is limited by the amount of heat that agitating the cells will allow. In comparison, BE ElectroPoration has two increased ways for formula penetration. 1. Trans-cellular: through the cellular membrane�s permeability increase. 2. Interstitial: through the lipids of the intercellular space. This is probably the most important among the medical-aesthetic applications of this technology, since it allows the passage of substances through the epidermis. QUOTE: It is believed that pores created in the surface layers of the skin are directly responsible for the increase of the cutaneous permeability (Weaver et al 1999).
Galvanic / Iontophoresis procedures, in order to avoid skin�s pH changes, require two steps. During the first stage, negative ions are introduced into the skin; during the second, polarity is reversed and positive ions are introduced. Classic Galvanic (without Nano technology), in fact any type of Iontophoresis cannot introduce neutral substances and the only way to absorb them is through pre-existing skin pores such as sweat, oil glands or hair follicles. At the end of the procedure, the skin�s pH should end up being balanced, but small pH changes occur during treatment, causing skin irritation. Hence, a proper exfoliation can�t be undertaken before either a Galvanic / Iontophoresis procedure, but everyone knows the removal of the dead horny layer allows far better product absorption. BE ElectroPoration provides a continuous wave with reversing polarity that induces products to a far greater depth than using a similar treatment procedure with Galvanic / Iontophoresis but here�s the big difference: There is no molecular ionization of the transported substances (a by-product of which may lead to atomic instability and molecular bonding in an undesirable way in the skin) and the BEEP system can be used for all formulations, non ionic or lipid.
Without temporary changes to the pH, the BEEP treatment enables the prior use of the patented BE Enzyme Exfoliation in the treatment, improving the initial penetration and final absorption of the product. The removal of the skin�s dead horny layer allows treatment to a standardized thickness, enhancing the product�s dosage repeatability, concentration consistency and ingredient efficacy. Furthermore, BEEP can introduce micro and macro-molecules such as liposomes in a trans-dermal way. This allows sizes even over 800.000 Dalton such as sodium hyaluronate, liposomes or elastin, or 500.000 Dalton such as collagen, without any modification of the solutions� pH and without harming either tissue or cells, solving a problem that Galvanic / Iontophoresis treatments cannot solve.
Mesotherapy is invasive, increasingly painful with use, requires post treatment wound healing, is prone to significant infection risks and is unable to provide the wider distribution of actives that BE ElectorPoration offers. Until now it was the only process that provided the depth of delivery that some conditions required. BE ElectroPoration offers the localized absorption of the BE Dermal Infusion Spray for each specific condition in a way that can be administered over a significantly larger area. Importantly, unlike other techniques of percutaneous introduction, it lacks the adverse effects that may appear through a systemic administration of such products and it doesn�t produce wounds that will require healing.
What are the advantages that make BEEP treatments different?
Comparative cellular absorption, depth, speed and control of delivery of complex yet atomically whole actives, in a non invasive, non cellular destructive or skin irritating treatment.
- Non ionic and a-thermal waves, so there is no temperature agitation of the skin.
- No electric inducement with the client, eliminating the possibility of chemical burns, muscle fasciculation, pain and swelling.
- No galvanic effect or muscle stimulation.
- Non invasive and painless
- There is no use of return electrode (neutral plate), avoiding the risk of a wrong application technique.
- There is no ionization of the transported molecular substances.
- It can be used on prosthesis.
- There is no need for a conducting gel.
- It can introduce non ionic, lipophilic and hydrophilic substances in both macro and molecular form.
- The hydro lipid products� introduction speed is 1g every 60 and 90 seconds.
- The BEEP system has certified training for easy and practical treatments with foolproof results.
- Ingredient penetration has been measured at up to 3.5mm, where it can have an effect on the mother cells of the skin provides an immediate change to the visible look of long lasting treatment outcome.
- Provides an immediate change to the visible appearance of the skin and long lasting treatment outcome.
What conditions respond to BEEP treatments?
Your Certified Therapist is trained to prescribe a course of BEEP treatments that address your specific skin needs.
- Hyper pigmentation/lightening
- Facial rejuvenation
- Expression line reduction
- Contour /facial flacidity
- Localized adipocyte mobilisation
- Cellulite reduction
- Stretch marks minimization (pink or purple, not white)
- Scar reduction (pink or purple, not white)
- Hand rejuvenation
- Pre and post operatory optimisation for plastic surgery
- Neck and Breast reaffirmation
- Anti�aging, telomerase activation (to be released)
What conditions can�t have BEEP treatments?
The BEEP Client Consent Form must be signed to confirm your current medical condition does not include:
- Pregnancy
- Pacemaker implant
- Epilepsy
- Shingles (herpes zoster)
- Herpes simplex
- Active acne
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Eczema
- Active Dermatitis
- Skin cancer
- Any vascular lesions
- Recently applied tattoos
- Surgical operations: do not apply until 40 days after
- Open wounds
Non BE skincare products and procedures:
- Peels, do not apply until 14 days after use
- Skincare products with AHA, BHA, Glycolic, Kojic, or other free acid ingredients, do not apply until 10 days after use*
- Do not use Retinol-A based products for 30 days prior or in conjunction with BEEP
- Laser or IPL procedures, do not apply until 30 days after
- Botulinum Toxin: do not apply until 30 days after its use
- Fillers: do not apply until 30 days after their use.
*Can be used to infuse other brands of �Transdermal� and low molecular sized serum type products with far greater penetration success than Sonopheresis, Galvanic / Iontopheresis and without their inherent negative skin conditions.
However, should be used at much lower power settings than for the BEEP treatments with the BE Dermal Infusion Sprays because of any uncertainties about the other brand�s preservative systems and free acids. By using a lower power setting, the infusion levels are reset above the deeper levels , limiting other brands ingredient concerns.
Can also be used when other brands of home care products are being applied, but half the lower power settings to again limit penetration for the same reasons.
What equipment procedures will I experience in a BEEP treatment?
During the BEEP treatment you will be relaxed and may even doze off while your Therapist performs a specific set of movements over the target area with the BEEP applicator (wand).